Walking through the halls of high schools is quite similar to walking through a battle field... you are never quite sure what you will find lying around the bend... everyone seems to be thinner, taller, blonder, prettier, and tanner than you... they all seem to be having the time of their lives despite the educational setting... they all seem to have the most friends and the most people to say hello to walking through the halls. Well, life isn't what it seems. Most of those people just surround themselves with others because they are too deathly scared to be alone. They are so scared that they aren't really friends, they just pretend... because without those people they would be nothing. They hurt just like you do. They notice the imperfections in their own faces as well even though your eyes cannot see them. They notice how the girl next to them is taller and thinner... even though you don't. Maybe sometimes it's what you don't see that makes you more alike than you'll ever know.
Somewhere between the procrastination... and the homework... and the incessant forwards... and the friendships... and the calls to each other complaining about crushes... Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends... And the "I miss yours, the "I love yours, and the "What are we doing tonight?"s...And somewhere between all of the changing and growing... Somewhere between the classes... And the skipping classes... And the studying for tests... And the pretending to study for tests... And the downright NOT studying for tests... I forgot... I forgot what high school is all about. I forgot what it meant to cry... I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy... And that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart... I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future... I forgot that you can't control falling in love... And that you can't make yourself fall in love... I learned that I can love... I learned that it's okay to mess up... And it's okay to ask for help... And it's okay to feel like crap... I learned it's okay to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day... I learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have. I learned that the greatest thing about high school isn't the parties or the drinking or the hook-ups... It's the friendships, which means taking chances... I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about... I learned that letters from friends are the most important things... And that sending cards to your friends makes you feel better. But, basically, I just learned that my friends... Both old and new... Are the most important people to me in the world. AND... without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. So this is a thank you to all of my friends... For always being there. And even if we're not on good terms or we have lost touch... I still care for you... Always and forever love all you guys
Let's face it... we've changed. We all changed. Somewhere between summer ending and school starting, we've gone in our own directions. Hearts were broken, friends diminished, new love started and new people came into our lives. We no longer spend all of our time in our circle of friends, we no longer talk for hours about nothing at all. We've changed -- some for the better, some for the worse. Some of us are finding love and others are trying to let go. Even though we've changed, we all know that even though we're all finding our own place in the world, that when we find out love, when we let go of a love, when the tears fall, or the happy smile spreads across our face... we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us and no matter what happens, nothing will ever change so much to the point that we'll never be friends forever.
Imagine the people you see everyday right now, the people you would least expect to not see tomorrow, in a year, college will come and with it new friends, and new experiences, the people you see everyday in the halls, your friends, and some of them, your best friends, will disappear from your life, each going their own ways, you'll see them once every ten years at some random reunion if that, these are the people u have grown up with, and friends with them or even if your not, there will come a time when many of them wont even cross your mind, the truth is, you'll see your best friends maybe once a year, because time goes by so fast and everyone is so busy. Enjoy today, and enjoy tomorrow, because these days come but once in our lives, be thankful for what u have and most of all, for who you have in your life because life’s plans for you may bring you away from these people, but no matter what anyone says, and no matter what time can do, your heart will always bring the best back, and your memories with them will forever hold a place in your heart.
Senior year is unlike any other. Here are a few things you should know.. It won't hit you when you wake up for your last first day of school. It won't hit you as you walk into the Senior locker bay for the first time as an official senior. It won't hit you when you cheer at your last homecoming pep rally and attend your last football game. It won't hit you as you go to your last homecoming dance and realize Prom is way better without the lower classmen and the DJ. It won't hit you as you enter the floor to perform at state for the last time. It won't hit you as you fill out the countless college applications. It won't hit you as you write that generic essay letter that you try to use for all your applications. It won't hit you as your college friends return for Christmas break and give you all their advice. It won't hit you as you celebrate New Year's with the friends you have known since childhood. It won't hit you when you cheer at your last Senior night and cry your eyes out! You won't feel it when you are having the time of your life at your last spring break. You don't realize it during Senior skip day, when everyone, no matter what group you are in, has a picnic. When May finally comes around and you realize that it is your last Prom, but you don't really feel it when you are there having the time of your life. You begin to realize it at Graduation when you look around and realize that you will never see half of these people again. You will begin to see it more over the summer when everyone is getting their roommates, class schedules, and going to orientation. It still hasn't fully hit you when you are sitting in your room packing up the past 18 years of your life, laughing with your best friend about all the stupid stuff you've done. You might feel it the morning you leave for college as that it is the last time you will see your room, your parents, and your best friend for like 3 months. It will finally hit you when you are sitting in your dorm room with a perfect stranger, that you have to live with for the next year. Please, Please, PLEASE make every moment of your Senior year count, you only get to do it once. College will be a lot of fun, but in the meantime, jump at every opportunity you get to do anything that you have ever wanted to do. Spend as much time with friends as possible, for it will not be long until you meet new people and inevitably grow apart.
Leaving high school, the most valuable thing I will take with me is the memories and I want to thank every person for playing a part in them, to my friends, youu have gone beyond the limits of what one has to do for another, my life will be forever richer and more beautiful because you were a part of it, I love you with all my heart, to those who were my slap in the face, to the close-minded or misunderstanding, to those who broke my heart, you all changed me to become the person I wanted to be, I am stronger because of the trials you have put my through and no matter what you have done to me, you have unknowingly done so much for me, to every person who inspired me by the way they lived their life, to those who were my shoulder to cry on, to those I found myself with in my moments of pure joy, to those who have understood me, to the people I share inside jokes with, to anyone who has held my hand, or for that matter, held my hair back after a night of partying, to those I laughed with until I cried, to my crushes, to everyone I stayed up talking to until the early morning hours, thank you for the wisdom, happiness, and experience you've brought into my life, I will cherish these times forever, I wish you all the best.
Somewhere between the procrastination... and the homework... and the incessant forwards... and the friendships... and the calls to each other complaining about crushes... Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends... And the "I miss yours, the "I love yours, and the "What are we doing tonight?"s...And somewhere between all of the changing and growing... Somewhere between the classes... And the skipping classes... And the studying for tests... And the pretending to study for tests... And the downright NOT studying for tests... I forgot... I forgot what high school is all about. I forgot what it meant to cry... I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy... And that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart... I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future... I forgot that you can't control falling in love... And that you can't make yourself fall in love... I learned that I can love... I learned that it's okay to mess up... And it's okay to ask for help... And it's okay to feel like crap... I learned it's okay to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day... I learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have. I learned that the greatest thing about high school isn't the parties or the drinking or the hook-ups... It's the friendships, which means taking chances... I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about... I learned that letters from friends are the most important things... And that sending cards to your friends makes you feel better. But, basically, I just learned that my friends... Both old and new... Are the most important people to me in the world. AND... without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. So this is a thank you to all of my friends... For always being there. And even if we're not on good terms or we have lost touch... I still care for you... Always and forever love all you guys
Let's face it... we've changed. We all changed. Somewhere between summer ending and school starting, we've gone in our own directions. Hearts were broken, friends diminished, new love started and new people came into our lives. We no longer spend all of our time in our circle of friends, we no longer talk for hours about nothing at all. We've changed -- some for the better, some for the worse. Some of us are finding love and others are trying to let go. Even though we've changed, we all know that even though we're all finding our own place in the world, that when we find out love, when we let go of a love, when the tears fall, or the happy smile spreads across our face... we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us and no matter what happens, nothing will ever change so much to the point that we'll never be friends forever.
Imagine the people you see everyday right now, the people you would least expect to not see tomorrow, in a year, college will come and with it new friends, and new experiences, the people you see everyday in the halls, your friends, and some of them, your best friends, will disappear from your life, each going their own ways, you'll see them once every ten years at some random reunion if that, these are the people u have grown up with, and friends with them or even if your not, there will come a time when many of them wont even cross your mind, the truth is, you'll see your best friends maybe once a year, because time goes by so fast and everyone is so busy. Enjoy today, and enjoy tomorrow, because these days come but once in our lives, be thankful for what u have and most of all, for who you have in your life because life’s plans for you may bring you away from these people, but no matter what anyone says, and no matter what time can do, your heart will always bring the best back, and your memories with them will forever hold a place in your heart.
Senior year is unlike any other. Here are a few things you should know.. It won't hit you when you wake up for your last first day of school. It won't hit you as you walk into the Senior locker bay for the first time as an official senior. It won't hit you when you cheer at your last homecoming pep rally and attend your last football game. It won't hit you as you go to your last homecoming dance and realize Prom is way better without the lower classmen and the DJ. It won't hit you as you enter the floor to perform at state for the last time. It won't hit you as you fill out the countless college applications. It won't hit you as you write that generic essay letter that you try to use for all your applications. It won't hit you as your college friends return for Christmas break and give you all their advice. It won't hit you as you celebrate New Year's with the friends you have known since childhood. It won't hit you when you cheer at your last Senior night and cry your eyes out! You won't feel it when you are having the time of your life at your last spring break. You don't realize it during Senior skip day, when everyone, no matter what group you are in, has a picnic. When May finally comes around and you realize that it is your last Prom, but you don't really feel it when you are there having the time of your life. You begin to realize it at Graduation when you look around and realize that you will never see half of these people again. You will begin to see it more over the summer when everyone is getting their roommates, class schedules, and going to orientation. It still hasn't fully hit you when you are sitting in your room packing up the past 18 years of your life, laughing with your best friend about all the stupid stuff you've done. You might feel it the morning you leave for college as that it is the last time you will see your room, your parents, and your best friend for like 3 months. It will finally hit you when you are sitting in your dorm room with a perfect stranger, that you have to live with for the next year. Please, Please, PLEASE make every moment of your Senior year count, you only get to do it once. College will be a lot of fun, but in the meantime, jump at every opportunity you get to do anything that you have ever wanted to do. Spend as much time with friends as possible, for it will not be long until you meet new people and inevitably grow apart.
Leaving high school, the most valuable thing I will take with me is the memories and I want to thank every person for playing a part in them, to my friends, youu have gone beyond the limits of what one has to do for another, my life will be forever richer and more beautiful because you were a part of it, I love you with all my heart, to those who were my slap in the face, to the close-minded or misunderstanding, to those who broke my heart, you all changed me to become the person I wanted to be, I am stronger because of the trials you have put my through and no matter what you have done to me, you have unknowingly done so much for me, to every person who inspired me by the way they lived their life, to those who were my shoulder to cry on, to those I found myself with in my moments of pure joy, to those who have understood me, to the people I share inside jokes with, to anyone who has held my hand, or for that matter, held my hair back after a night of partying, to those I laughed with until I cried, to my crushes, to everyone I stayed up talking to until the early morning hours, thank you for the wisdom, happiness, and experience you've brought into my life, I will cherish these times forever, I wish you all the best.
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